


Postdoc Position on the Generation of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells by Cellular Reprogramming (iPS Cells) : Heidelberg Germany


University Heidelberg, Institute for Anatomy and Cell Biology


Heidelberg Germany


June 15, 2010  


August 10, 2010

Job Tag(s):

molecular biology,cell biology,biological sciences


We invite applications of highly motivated individuals for a postdoc position on the generation of human pluripotent stem cells by cellular reprogramming (iPS cells).

The successful applicant will work in an international team and apply and optimize new techniques of cellular reprogramming and induction of pluripotency and stem cell specification. Working language is English.

The Institute for Anatomy and Cell Biology studies genomic and postgenomic programs that determine cell identity and developmental potential, with a focus on (i) germ stem cells, (ii) neuronal stem cells and their differentiated progeny, and (iii) stem cell reprogramming and induction of pluripotency.

Qualifications and experience: The successful candidates should have experience with standard techniques in cell biology, cell culture and molecular cloning.

Salary will be according to TV-L scale depending on qualification. The position is available immediately and initially funded for 3 years, an extension is possible. The University of Heidelberg is an equal opportunity employer, committed to employ handicapped individuals and to increase the number of female employees.


Applications including full CV and contact information of 2 referees should be sent by e-mail to skutella@ana.uni-heidelberg.de

[作者:丁香招聘    编辑:]