


Postdoctoral Research Fellow : Leeds, LS1, UK


University of Leeds


Leeds, LS1, UK


June 25, 2010


July 22, 2010



Job Tag(s):

biological sciences,postdoc,cell culture,microscopy,Phd


Faculty of Biological Sciences
Institute of Membrane and Systems Biology Leeds Institute of Genetics, Health and Therapeutics

Postdoctoral Research Fellow – Full-time, fixed term for 26 months

BHF funded postdoctoral position: Statins directly affect cardiac myocyte function through cholesterol-dependent and independent mechanisms

You will study the direct effects of statins on the cardiac myocyte – through cholesterol-dependent (caveolae) and independent (isoprenoid) pathways. We are seeking an enthusiastic highly-motivated individual, committed to establishing a career in cardiovascular research.
You will have a first degree and PhD or nearing completion in a relevant discipline and laboratory experience which includes some of the following: cell culture, sucrose gradient fractionation, Western blotting, confocal microscopy, electron microscopy, [Ca2+]i measurement using fluorescent dyes, electrophysiology.

University Grade 6 (£24,273 – £28,983 p.a.) or University Grade 7 (£29,853 – £35,646 p.a.) It is likely that an appointment will made at or below £28,853 p.a. since there are funding limitations which dictate the level at which the appointment can start.

Informal enquiries to Dr Sarah Calaghan tel +44 (0)113 343 4309 email s.c.calaghan@leeds.ac.uk

To download an application form and job details please visit http://hr.leeds.ac.uk/jobs/ Alternatively these may be obtained from Faculty HR Office email fbsjobs@leeds.ac.uk or tel +44 (0)113 343 8506

Job ref 313358 Closing date 22 July 2010

[作者:丁香招聘    编辑:]