
荷兰鹿特丹Erasmus MC Center基因组和蛋白质组研究博士后岗位


Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands


Postdoc position


Dr Molewaterplein 50, 3015GE, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Date Posted

August 12th 2008

Date Expires

October 11th 2008


cardiovascular, proteomics, mouse models, erasmus mc, and rotterdam


The department of Genetics has a modern infrastructure that is sharedwith a number of other departments in the faculty (Cell Biology,Biochemistry, Reproduction and Development, Forensic Molecular Biology,Bio-informatics and Clinical Genetics) and has access to all thefacilities needed for the realization of the project: transgenic mice,Erasmus MC Center for Biomics/Bioinformatics and Applied OpticalImaging. The Erasmus MC Center for Biomics, a central facility atErasmus MC, aims to contribute to the progress of science using Genomicsand Proteomics. The interdisciplinary center brings together researchersin genomic and post-genomic bioinformatics, cell and structural biology,mathematics, statistics, computer science, medical imaging by applyinginformation technology, and systems biology based data analysis.
Project information

The project originates from our recently developed mouse models forFibulin-4, displaying both mild and severe forms of aneurysm and cardiacabnormalities (Hanada et al, Circulation Research. 2007;100:738-46). Todevelop imaging procedures and therapy for aortic valvulopathy andaneurysm, we plan to perform proteome analysis of aorta and heart ofpatient material and aneurysm mouse models, consisting of proteomeanalysis of tissue and identification of biomarkers by serum proteinprofiling, to identify biomarkers to be able to detect patientssusceptible for aneurysm formation. Our in-depth proteome analysis ofour mouse models will not only yield valuable biomarkers but will alsogive insight in the underlying mechanism of aorta dilatation and aortastenosis and will therefore give a lead for development of medicaltherapy. Rationalized drug development will then be tested in this idealanimal-model to monitor the effect of medication on the aortic valve andaorta wall abnormalities.
Job requirements


For this project, we seek a highly motivated molecularbiologist/bioinformaticist. A degree in Medical Biology (or equivalent)is required and experience in cell and molecular biology techniques are recommended.
[作者:jurgen    编辑:]