


University of North Carolina, School of Medicine


Postdoctoral associate in molecular system biology

Job Number


Date Posted

Apr 13th 2008

Application Deadline

Open Until Filled


Highly motivated individuals are invited to join a newly establishedfunctional genomics lab. The goal of our lab is to understand howsplicing is regulated in a systematic level. Our main approach is tocollect a ‘part list’ of splicing regulation, and to further determinehow they functionally interact to each other so that to assemble a setof general rules of splicing (i.e. the splicing code). Both experimentaland computational methods are used to identify regulatory elements ofsplicing in genomic scale. Please see our papers (Wang et al.: Cell,2004, 119: 831-845 and Mol. Cell,2006, 23: 61-70) for the background andflavor of our research.

Solid background in biochemistry, molecular biology, bioinformatics,statistics or related fields are required. Must be organized, possessgood communication skills, and willing to explore new techniques.Experience in studying RNA-protein interactions are highly valued.

Please send curriculum vitae and contact information of three references to:
Zefeng Wang, Ph.D.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Department of Pharmacology
Mary Ellen Jones Bldg., CB# 7365
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7365


Zefeng Wang
University of North Carolina, School of Medicine
CB#7365, Dept of Pharmacology
Chapel Hill, NC 27599
United States
Email: zefeng med.unc.edu
Employer's Web Site: http://www.med.unc.edu/pharm/faculty/wang.htm
[作者:jurgen    编辑:]