


Griffith University (http://www.griffith.edu.au/)


Post-Doctoral Fellow (Research Fellow 1 or 2)


Gold Coast, Queensland

Date Posted

Jan 11th 2008


Jan 23th 2008


Post-Doctoral Fellow (Research Fellow 1 or 2) – Bacteria Pathogenicity,Call Biology / Cellular Signalling Pathways and Molecular Immunology

Gold Coast campus

Griffith University is committed to excellence in teaching and research.The University has five campuses and 35,000 students in the high growthBrisbane-Gold Coast corridor. The University has an excellent workingenvironment and a positive culture which supports staff development andencourages innovation, diversity and creativity.

Three highly motivated post doctoral research fellows are sought to workin the area of Bacterial Pathogenicity, Cell biology/ Cellular Signalingpathways, and Molecular Immunology.

A multidisciplinary collaborative research team seeks to investigate themolecular basis of multinuclear cell (MNC) formation in two projectsfunded by the NHMRC. MNC have key roles in many diseases includingosteoporosis, cancer, and bacterial and viral infections. Specificallythis project is investigating osteoclast formation (MNCs are importantin osteoporosis), and how the intracellular bacterium Burkholderiapseudomallei (the causative agent of melioidosis) induces formation of MNCs

We seek to understand the inter-and intracellular signaling eventscontrolling MNC formation and differentiation for osteoclasts (see Kimet al 2006 J Biol Chem 281(2):1274-8). In addition, we are investigatinghow the pathogen B. pseudomallei manipulates the host cell to evadekilling by the immune response (Boddey et al 2007, CellularMicrobiology). There may be an opportunity for these positions to extendbeyond 12 months. Ref: MSC16884/07

Salary range: Research Fellow 1 $52,925 – $62,256 per annum; ResearchFellow 2 $67,852 – $80,576 per annum

Applications Close: 23 January 2008.


Enquiries: 617 3735 4010 or j.daniel@griffith.edu.au
[作者:jurgen    编辑:]