


Griifith University (http://www.griffith.edu.au)


Three Post-Doctoral Fellowhips


Gold Coast, Australia

Date Posted

Dec 17th 2007


Three highly motivated post doctoral research fellows are sought to workin the area of Cell biology/ Cellular Signaling pathways, BacterialPathogenicity, and Molecular Immunology.

The positions are full-time fixed term for one year with the possibilityof extension for up to a further two years.

A multidisciplinary collaborative research team seeks to investigate themolecular basis of Multinuclear Cell (MNC) formation in two projectsfunded by the NHMRC. MNC have key roles in many diseases includingosteoporosis, cancer, and bacterial and viral infections. Specificallywe are investigating osteoclast formation (MNCs are important inosteoporosis), and how the intracellular bacterium Burkholderiapseudomallei (the causative agent of melioidosis) induces formation of MNCs.

We seek to understand the inter-and intracellular signaling eventscontrolling MNC formation and differentiation for osteoclasts (see Kimet al 2006 J Biol Chem 281(2):1274-8). In addition, we are investigatinghow the pathogen B. pseudomallei manipulates the host cell to evadekilling by the immune response (Boddey et al 2007, Cellular Microbiology).

Competitive candidates will have a PhD in Molecular Microbiology,Bacterial Pathogenicity, Cell Biology, or Molecular Immunology.Familiarity with two or more of the following skills is essential: invitro and in vivo infection studies (preferably examining hostresponses), cell culture of immortalized and primary cells, expressionanalysis by RT-PCR, ELISA and Western blot, fluorescence microscopy,FACS analysis, protein expression and purification, or bacterialgenetics and mutagenesis. Evidence of accurate record keeping,preparation of research outputs for communication purposes, and oral andwritten communication skills, is also essential. Applicants must haveproven research ability, evidence of research potential and potentialfor future development, and evidence of ability to work cooperativelywith others. It is also desirable that applicants have demonstratedadministrative skills.

Griffith University Gold Coast Campus is situated in SE Queensland,Australia, in a sub-tropical climate. The campus is rapidly expandingand has excellent research infrastructure.


Specific enquiries about the role can be directed to Associate ProfessorNigel Morrison or Dr. Ian Peak (n.morrison@griffith.edu.au, i.peak@griffith.edu.au).

Applicants are directed to view duties, selection criteria, andapplication process at www.griffith.edu.au/jobs/msc1688407/home.htm
[作者:jurgen    编辑:]