


University of Sydney (http://positions.usyd.edu.au)


Postdoctoral Fellow in Nanotherapeutics


Sydney, Australia

Date Posted

Jan 17th 2008

Datre Expires

Feb 17th 2008


Postdoctoral Fellow in Nanotherapeutics
School of Chemistry
Reference No. 120907

The University of Sydney’s School of Chemistry is inviting applicationsfor a Postdoctoral Fellow position on the project “Nanotherapeutics:nanoparticles with high specificity for the delivery and controlledrelease of drugs” which has recently been funded by the AustralianResearch Council. The aim of the project is to develop novel genericdrug-delivery platforms based on the tethering of therapeutic andimaging agents to nanoparticles designed to localize in disease states.

The project involves collaboration between the Schools of Chemistry andMolecular and Microbial Biochemistry and is jointly supervised byProfessors Thomas Maschmeyer, Richard Christopherson and AssociateProfessor Tony Masters. Other research topics in our laboratoriesinclude into new zeolitic mesoporous and macroporous materials, thephotochemical splitting of water by sunlight, the production of biofuelsand biochemicals, and the enhancing of faint fingerprints.

The School of Chemistry and the School of Molecular and MicrobialBiosciences are some of the largest and prestigious centres for researchand education in Australia, offering access to a comprehensive range ofmodern research and teaching facilities. As integral disciplines withinthe Faculty of Science, they attract an outstanding cohort of studentsand internationally-renowned academics, and are homes to vibrant andworld-class research environments that are well-funded by industry and government.

Applicants should have a complete or near-complete PhD in Biochemistryor Chemistry, with an emphasis on biochemistry or synthetic organic,inorganic or organometallic chemistry, and experience in solid-statesynthesis and the synthesis and characterisation of nanomaterials.Excellent communication skills, creative and innovative thinking and anability to work independently and cooperatively will be paramount tothis appointment. Familiarity with biochemical techniques, electronmicroscopy, confocal microscopy, flow cytometry and cell culture wouldbe an advantage.

The position is full-time fixed term for three years, subject to thecompletion of a satisfactory probation and/or confirmation period fornew appointees. Membership of a University approved superannuationscheme is a condition of employment for new appointees.

Remuneration Package: $83,835 – $89,990 p.a. (which includes a basesalary Level A $64,858 – $69,620 p.a., leave loading and up to 17%employer’s contribution to superannuation).


For more information or to apply using the application link below &search by reference number 120907. For further information, contactProfessor Thomas Maschmeyer on (+61 2) 9351 2581 or email:th.maschmeyer@chem.usyd.edu.au or Associate Professor Tony Masters on(+61 2) 9351 3743 or email: a.masters@chem.usyd.edu.au or ProfessorRichard Christopherson on (+61 2) 9351 6031 or email:ric@mmb.usyd.edu.au For general enquiries please contact Fabrice Noël on(+61 2) 9036 7295 or email: f.noel@usyd.edu.au.
[作者:jurgen    编辑:]