


Max Planck Institute for Human Development (http://www.mpib-berlin.mpg.de)


Postdoctoral Position (II)


Berlin, Germany

Date Posted

Jan 9th 2008


Mar 9th 2008


The Center for Lifespan Psychology and the Independent Junior ResearchGroup on Neurocognition of Decision Making at the Max Planck Institutefor Human Development in Berlin (http://www.mpib-berlin.mpg.de/) inviteapplications for a post-doctoral position in the area of human geneticsand cognition. The position will be primarily affiliated with a researchproject on dopaminergic neuromodulation in cognitive aging co-funded bythe Max Planck Society and the German Federal Ministry for Research. Theproject combines functional and structural brain imaging, genetic,pharmacological, behavioral experimental, and computational approachesto investigate the relation between aging-related decline inneuromodulation and cognition. The final sample will include over 2000individuals. The positions are available by March 2008. The search willcontinue until the positions are filled. The positions are initially for2 years, with the possibility of two 6-month extensions. Requirementsare described below.
The Max Planck Society is interested in increasing the number of womenon its scientific staff. We strongly encourage applications from womenand members of minority groups. The Max Planck Society is committed toemploying more handicapped individuals and particularly encourages themto apply.

Postdoctoral Position in Human Genetics
The successful applicant will have a doctoral degree in a field relatedto genetic, behavioral, or neuroscience research (e.g., human genetics,biostatistics, cognitive neuroscience, psychology, and medicine).Applicants with a background in statistical genetics and experience incombining behavioral, brain-imaging, and genetic methods to studyphenotypes and endophenotypes relevant for behavior and cognition areparticularly welcome. Candidates with a background in biologicalgenetics with strong quantitative skills and interests in humancognition are also welcome to apply.


Applicants are asked to send a statement of interest, a CV, up to three(p)reprints, and a list of three potential referees toSeklindenberger@mpib-berlin.mpg.de.

 For further information, pleasecontact
 Shu-Chen Li, Shuchen@mpib-berlin.mpg.de
[作者:jurgen    编辑:]