


INSERM UMR 641 (http://ifrjr.nord.univ-mrs.fr...)


Post-doctoral position in electrophysiology


Marseille, FRANCE

Date Posted

Jan 9th 2008

Date Expires

Apr 30th 2008


A post-doctoral position for at least 2 years is available in the“Homeostasis of excitability and Neuromodulation” group (J-M.Goaillard). Our laboratory is located in between the center of Marseilleand Aix en Provence, and is part of the Institut Jean Roche which isdedicated to research in Neuroscience.

We are interested in the specific mechanisms involved in the regulationof intrinsic excitability and stability of activity over long periods oftime (Schulz, Goaillard and Marder, Nat. Neuro. 2006, PNAS 2007). Thisquestion is addressed on cortical and hippocampal pyramidal neurons,which have been shown to be involved in pathophysiological alterationsof excitability such as epilepsy. The proposed project will mainlyinvolve electrophysiological recordings on brain slices (multiple patchclamp recordings, dynamic clamp) and in a second time calcium imaging.The project will also involve collaborations with cellular biologists toelucidate the molecular mechanisms involved in regulation ofexcitability. A solid experience in electrophysiology (and optionnallyin imaging) will be appreciated.

The position, with a salary of ~30 000 €/year, is open to french andforeign students and applications should be sent no later than May 1st 2008.


Please send a cover letter and CV with name of two references to :

Jean-Marc Goaillard
UMR 641
Faculté de Médecine Secteur Nord
boulevard Pierre Dramard
13916 Marseille Cedex 20

or by email to :

[作者:jurgen    编辑:]