


UCLA School of Medicine


Postdoctoral Fellow in Molecular Basis of Diseases

Job Number


Date Posted

Oct 27th 2007

Application Deadline

Open Until Filled


Postdoctoral positions are available to study molecular mechanisms underlying
Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer's disease using Drosophila as a model(Clark et al, Nature 441:1162, 2006; Ganguly et al, Human MolecularGenetics, in press; Hay and Guo, Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 22:623,2006; Guo et al, Human Molecular Genetics. 12: 2669). This is anexciting new research area with many opportunities. Areas of interestinclude mechanisms of neuronal death (apoptosis and autophagy),mitochondrial biology, developmental biology and neurobiology.Postdoctoral candidates should hold recent Ph.D. and/or MD degrees.

We are an energetic and well-funded team with modern lab space locatedin sunny Los Angeles/Westwood. We seek to expand our group with theaddition of highly motivated candidates with experience in moleculargenetics and biochemical techniques, and an interest in diseasemechanisms and/or developmental biology. Candidates with experience withDrosophila are particularly encouraged to apply. Close interactions withother labs at UCLA and Caltech science community make the environmentcollegial and stimulating. http://guolab.neurology.ucla.edu


Ming Guo, MD, PhD
Neurology & Pharmacology
UCLA School of Medicine
Los Angeles, CA
United States
Email: uclaflylab@yahoo.com
Employer's Web Site: http://guolab.neurology.ucla.edu
[作者:jurgen    编辑:]