


Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, University of Southern California (http://www.usc.edu/programs/p...)


Targeting leukemia through nanoparticles


Los Angeles, CA

Date Posted

Oct 25th 2007


Nanoparticles have recently been introduced as a novel therapeuticapproach to deliver siRNAs or small-molecule inhibitors for thetreatment of cancer. Nanoparticles can be specifically targeted to tumorcells by coating them with antibodies that recognize surface antigensexpressed on the target cells. The Leukemia Research Program atChildrens Hospital Los Angeles has initiated the development ofnanoparticles that are coated with an anti-CD19 antibody to target CD19+B cell lineage tumor cells in childhood leukemia. The nanoparticlescarry siRNAs that are directed against oncogenic fusion molecules thatdrive malignant transformation of the leukemia but are not present innormal B cells.

Applications from motivated postdoctoral scientists with a strongbackground in basic science and interest in clinical translation areinvited. The position is available immediately. Applications should besent by E-mail in PDF format and include a personal statement ofresearch and career goals, a CV and publication list and the coordinatesof three references.


Inquiries and applications (PDF format only) should be sent by November15th to Prof. Markus Muschen, Director, Leukemia Research Program,Childrens Hospital Los Angeles at: mmuschen@chla.usc.edu
[作者:jurgen    编辑:]