


Postdocs in Computational Biology : Ole Maaloes Vej 5, Copenhagen N 2200, Denmark


University of Copenhagen, Denmark


Ole Maaloes Vej 5, Copenhagen N 2200, Denmark


May 19, 2010


July 20, 2010

Job Tag(s):

postdoc,bioinformatics,machine,learning,computational biology,denmark


3 Postdoc Positions at the Bioinformatics Centre, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen
The Bioinformatics Centre is recruiting 3 postdoctoral scientists for a period of 2 years with a possible 1-year extension to work on gene regulation bioinformatics projects in the Anders Krogh or Albin Sandelin research groups, possibly collaborating with the Ole Winther group. We expect the successful candidates to start in the fall of 2010.

The Bioinformatics Centre (www.binf.ku.dk) employs around 25 researchers, and has many international connections to high-profile experimental groups. The groups are housed in the newly built Biocenter in central Copenhagen, Denmark.

Specifically, we are looking for:
1 Postdoc working with Albin Sandelin (albin@binf.ku.dk, http://people.binf.ku.dk/albin/) focused on analyzing high-throughput promoter detection (CAGE) data from disease cells vs normal tissues

1 Postdoc working with Albin Sandelin on modeling how cells know where genes start and how much these genes are expressed, using novel high-throughput transcriptomics and epigenetics data and machine learning techniques

1 Postdoc working with Anders Krogh (krogh@binf.ku.dk ) on computational analysis of miRNA expression and targeting in mammals, including data analysis in close collaboration with experimental groups.

These positions will be funded by grants from the Novo Nordisk Foundation or the European Research Council.

We are seeking highly motivated individuals with a PhD or equivalent in bioinformatics or a mathematical discipline with significant modeling experience, and a substantial publication record. We strongly value experience in one or more of the following: sequence analysis, mathematical modeling, machine learning, applied statistics and R, computer science and gene expression analysis. The candidate also needs to be able to program in C, Java, Perl or Python, and be comfortable with Linux systems. Fluency in spoken and written English is a strong requirement.

Terms of appointment and payment will be in accord to the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations on Academics in the State. Post doc salary is based on seniority and is between 383.670 and 407.006 DKK with an annual supplement up to DKK 49.280 before pension contribution. Negotiation for further supplement will be possible.

Applications must be in English and include in the following order:
• Cover letter
• Curriculum vitae
• Description of current and previous research (max. 5 pages)
• Documentation of teaching experience and other qualifications
• Full contact details (name, address, telephone & email) of 3 referees
• Complete list of publications
The University of Copenhagen wishes to reflect the diversity of society and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.
The applications will be evaluated by an expert in the field to select those that qualify for the positions. Each applicant will receive the part of the evaluation that concerns her/him as well as the name of the expert. The main criterion for further consideration will be the research potential of the applicant.

*Applications should be e-mailed as one single pdf-file marked 211-0019/10-5550 to job@bio.ku.dk. Deadline for applications is July 20, 12:00 noon. *
Please mark the subject line with your name. By default all applicants will be considered for all of the offered positions, but please indicate where your interests lie.
Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
Contact persons are listed above.

[作者:丁香招聘    编辑:]