


Postdoc: brain circuits in a mouse : Cold Spring Harbor, NY, 11724


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory




Cold Spring Harbor, NY, 11724


August 30, 2009


December 31, 2009


Postdoc,Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory ,NY,brain circuits,neuroanatomy,mouse genetics

job description:

We are seeking a postdoctoral fellow interested in using cutting edge technologies to study brain circuits, with a focus on determining the links between neural circuit structure (connectivity) and function (behavior-linked activity) in a wild type mouse and genetic mouse models of autism.

We use a recently developed whole-brain two-photon microscopy (see brief description at our website http://www.cshl.edu/public/SCIENCE/osten.html) for high-throughput data collection. Mapping of neural circuit connectivity is done by both viral vector-assisted axonal tracing and traditional anterograde and retrograde tracers. Mapping of neural circuit activity employs transgenic “indicator” mouse lines for monitoring expression of activity-regulated genes, such as IEG’s c-fos and Arc/Arg3.1. The aim of our work is to determine what neural circuits are activated during specific behaviors, how these circuits combine to give rise to specific behavioral responses, and whether the structure and/or function of these circuits is altered in genetic mouse models of autism.

Candidates should be skilled experimentalists, highly motivated, and able to work in an interdisciplinary environment. Strong background in at least one of the following areas is required: neuroanatomy, microscopy, image processing and programming, mouse behavior, and mouse genetics.


If interested please send your CV and contact information for three references to:

Pavel Osten

Associate Professor

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory



[作者:egretxm    编辑:]