


Karolinska Institute


Postdoctoral Position in In Vivo Imaging in Endocrinology


Stockholm, Sweden

Date Posted

March 12th 2008

Date Expires

June 1st 2008


postdoctoral, karolinska institute, stockholm, sweden, in vivo, imaging,confocal, twophoton, physiology, animal, endocrinology, diabetes, andislets of langerhans


Postdoctoral Position in In Vivo Imaging in Endocrinology

A Postdoctoral Position is immediately available in the Group ofPer-Olof Berggren at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.

Our group is part of the Rolf Luft Research Centre for Diabetes andEndocrinology and focuses on signal transduction mechanisms in insulinsecreting beta-cells and glucagon secreting alpha-cells in health anddisease. Recently our laboratory developed a non-invasive imagingplatform which enables longitudinal studies of cell biology in vivo (S.Speier et al, Noninvasive in vivo imaging of pancreatic islet cellbiology”, Nature Medicine, advance online publication, 7 March 2008).This platform is based on transplantation of the tissue of interest intothe anterior chamber of the eye and utilization of the cornea as anatural body window for repetitive non-invasive imaging under in vivo conditions.
The successful applicant will be part of our imaging group and studysignal transduction processes and their modulation by hormonal,neuronal, paracrine, autocrine and pathological factors in vivoutilizing this new imaging platform.
We are seeking for a highly motivated and competent researcher. Fluentknowledge of English is a precondition. The required background must include:

* Extensive experience in confocal and 2-Photon laser scanningmicroscopy and preferably life cell or in vivo imaging.
* Experience in animal handling and knowledge of animal physiology.


Applicants should send cover letter, CV and a list of at least 3professional references to stephan.speier@ki.se.
[作者:jurgen    编辑:]