


Stanford University (http://scsnl.stanford.edu)


Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Neursocience of Music at Stanford University


Palo Alto, CA

Date Posted

Jan 14th 2008

Date Expires

Apr 14th 2008


The Stanford Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience Laboratory (http://scsnl.stanford.edu) invites applications for a 2-yearpostdoctoral fellowship in the Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience ofmusic, language and auditory information processing. We offer anexciting opportunity to work on a multidisciplinary NSF-funded projectwith Drs. Vinod Menon (Neuroscience and Psychiatry, Stanford), DanielLevitin (Psychology and Music, McGill) and Jonathan Berger (Music,Stanford). The successful candidate will develop a vigorous researchprogram that contributes to, and complements, high-profile ongoingstudies. The post-doctoral fellow will have access to state-of-the-artfMRI, EEG, and computational facilities. We seek candidates with astrong background of research and publication in one or more of thefollowing areas: cognitive neuroscience, music cognition and theory,language, auditory neuroscience, and computational and statisticalmodeling of brain imaging data.


Please email a CV, a statement of research interests and career goals,and three letters of recommendation to Dr. Vinod Menon at menon@stanford.edu.
[作者:jurgen    编辑:]