


University of Illinois at Chicago


Postdoctoral Fellow


Chicago, IL USA

Date Posted

Dec 19th 2007


We currently have one postdoctoral position available conductingresearch on novel organ cultures for ovarian cancer and new imagingstrategies for breast cancer. Research focuses on the effects ofwounding of the ovarian surface epithelium as a risk factor forincreasing ovarian cancer. Experiments will investigate the repair ofthe ovarian surface using immunohistochemical techniques. For breastcancer, the focus is on characterizing the distribution, clearance, andimaging efficacy of new MRI contrast agents specific for hormonereceptor positive cancers. For both projects, the successful candidatewill help investigate mechanisms of in vitro and in vivo activities,especially those related to cell proliferation, apoptosis, extracellularmatrix remodeling, and invasion. Applicant will be responsible forconducting experiments using cell culture, organ culture, and animalmodel systems.

Applicants should have a Ph.D. with experience in biology, biochemistry,or molecular biology and some experience working with small animalmodels, such as rats and mice. Applicant should be motivated, organized,and able to work independently. Candidates should have good writing andpresentation skills and be available for an interview. Proven trackrecord of publication is preferred.


Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae, a list ofthree references, and a brief cover letter explaining their interest inthe research area and long-term goals.
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