




Multidisciplinary Postdoctoral Research Positions


Research Triangle Park, US North Carolina

Date Posted

Nov 04 2007


U.S. EPA OISE Project # EPA-NCEA-RTP 2007-02

Assessment of Health and Environmental Effects from Exposure to CriteriaAir Pollutants

A postdoctoral research project is currently available at the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Center for EnvironmentalAssessment (NCEA) Environmental Media Assessment Group (EMAG) inResearch Triangle Park, North Carolina. This is an interdisciplinaryproject that will entail hiring postdoctoral researchers with expertisein a range of scientific disciplines, as outlined below, with a goal ofhiring up to 7 postdoctoral researchers.

Project Description: The National Center for Environmental Assessment(NCEA) in the EPA's Office of Research and Development are responsiblefor scientific assessment activities related to the effects of thecriteria air pollutants (particulate matter, ozone, sulfur oxides,nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and lead). Such assessment activitiesare very broad and typically have significant implications for nationaland international environmental policy development and implementation.The participant will be involved in the review and evaluation ofcurrently available scientific information for the purpose of developingintegrated science assessment documents and communicating scientificinformation to other EPA program offices.

# Specific Tasks: The participant may be involved in (1) criticallyreviewing scientific literature on the criteria air pollutants withinspecific disciplines (i.e., epidemiology, toxicology, human exposure,etc.); (2) writing sections of the particulate matter and other criteriapollutant science assessment documents; (3) conducting databasemanagement activities related to the particulate matter review,including running queries, performing quality control and assurance, andmodifying data structure as needed; and (4) performing data analysesthat address key scientific issues. The participant may continue tointerpret his/her own data obtained in his/her own research as a meansto incorporate these results into the above projects. There is alsoopportunity to collaborate with research scientists on projects focusedon data gaps or uncertainties associated with the health effects ofcriteria air pollutants. Background and expertise in one of thefollowing disciplines is required: epidemiology;
# toxicology;
# human exposure assessment;
# biostatistics;
# ecology;
# environmental chemistry or physics;
# biology (including physiology, biochemistry, etc.); or
# computer science or information management.

Qualifications and Skills: Candidates should have received a doctoraldegree in a field relevant to environmental science, such asepidemiology, ecology, toxicology, biology, statistics, physics,chemistry, computer science or information management within at leastthree years of the desired starting date, or completion of allrequirements for the degree should be expected prior to the startingdate. Experience on conducting literature reviews, interpretingscientific study results and preparing summary reviews is highlydesirable. The program is open to all qualified individuals withoutregard to race, sex, religion, color, age, physical or mentaldisability, national origin, or status as a Vietnam era or disabled veteran.

Tenure: The appointment is full time at NCEA in Research Triangle Park,North Carolina, for one year and may be renewed for up to two additionalyears upon recommendation of NCEA and subject to availability of funds.The participant will receive a monthly stipend. The participant mustshow proof of health and medical insurance. This can be obtained throughORISE. The participant does not become an EPA employee.


The Research Participation Program for EPA-NCEA-RTP is administered bythe Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education. Please referenceproject #EPA-NCEA-RTP 2007-02 when calling or writing for information.

For further information and application materials contact: InternshipProgram/EPA-NCEA, Attn: Betty Bowling, Science and EngineeringEducation, MS 36, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, P.S.Box 117, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-0117, Phone: (865) 576-8503 FAX:(865) 241-5219 email: bowlingb@orau.gov.

An application can be found at http://www.orau.gov/orise/edu/EPA/app-gugrgpd.pdf.
[作者:jurgen    编辑:]