
亚特兰大Emory 大学基因组和电生理博士后岗位



the Heart Failure Laboratory, Department of Pediatrics, Emory University


Postdoctoral Positions

Date Posted

Aug 27 2007 


Two POSTDOCTORAL POSITIONS are available immediately in the Heart Failure Laboratory, Department of Pediatrics, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, to study the regulation and function of cardiac membrane ion channels, molecular mechanisms underlying the development of cardiac hypertrophy and failure, and disease-related arrhythmias. This laboratory uses a wide range of technologies including patch clamp, calcium imaging, molecular and cellular biology techniques.

The first position requires investigation in the area of functional genomics characterizing the fetal genes involved in cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis using cultured cells and gene-targeted mouse models in vivo. These include studying the transcriptional regulation and signaling mechanisms of L-type calcium channels by site-directed mutagenesis, protein phosphorylation, and fluorescence-tagged channel trafficking. A strong background in cellular and molecular biology is required.

The second position involves studying disease-related electrical remodeling in cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure mouse models and in human myocytes. We are most interested in the remodeling of potassium channel and L-type calcium channels. Special attention will be given to candidates with expertise in the field of calcium imaging and patch clamp studies. In vivo electrophysiology experiences in animals will be a plus.

The successful applicants with Ph.D. and/or M.D. degree will be expected to be individuals with the motivation and vision to develop independent research programs. Both positions require working with mice. Applicants should have good organizational skills, and interact/collaborate with other lab members. Working enthusiasm is essential. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Future promotion is highly possible depending on excellence in productivity.


Interested individuals should send a cover letter, curriculum vitae and provide contact information of three references (e-mail preferred)

Yanggan Wang, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Pediatrics, Emory Children’s Center
Emory University
2015 Uppergate Drive
Atlanta, GA 30322
United States
Phone: 404-727-2592
Email: Yanggan_wang@oz.ped.emory.edu 

[作者:jurgen    编辑:]