

http://www.pinjiao.com/bsh/guowaiboshihou/2012-03-09/postdoctor106386.html 海外博士后
Location: Evry (Paris Region), France
Posted: March 05, 2012
Expires: May 01, 2012

job description

The Institute of Systems and Synthetic Biology (iSSB) has an immediate postdoctoral opening in the field of computational protein design. The institute is part of Genopole, a consortium of leading research academic and private laboratories in genomics, post-genomics and related sciences. The job location is in Evry, 35 km south of Paris, 30 min by suburban train.

Job Description : The position awardee (1 year renewable) will be responsible for developing new computational methods and using existing retrosynthesis and reaction kinetics tools to design enzymes involved in a variety of processes including the production of exogenous chemicals (drugs, drug precursors and fine chemicals) and the toxicology of chemical mixtures.

Qualifications : The successful candidate will have a recent Ph.D. in biology, chemical/physical sciences, or computer and engineering sciences with a background in biology. Required qualifications include experience with bioinformatics or chemoinformatics demonstrated though publications, experience with machine learning, programming skills, strong collaborative skills and ability to work and communicate in a team environment.

We offer a competitive compensation package, which will be commensurate upon qualifications and experience. Applicants should send their CV, a cover letter, and the names of two eferences to Dr. Pablo Carbonell, to the following e-mail address: pablo.carbonell@issb.genopole.fr .

[作者:法国Genopole生物园区系统与合成生物学研究所博士后岗位    编辑:]