

http://www.pinjiao.com/bsh/guowaiboshihou/2011-09-13/postdoctor86008.html 海外博士后

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Developing Technologies for Protein Oxidation and Ageing
Aston University - School of Life and Health Sciences
£29,972 to 35,788 per annum

Fixed Term until 30 September 2013

The project is part of a £5 million multi-centre, multi-disciplinary research programme (PROXO) funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), to address the development of new technologies for understanding the causes of ageing and oxidative damage to proteins. The human proteome, i.e. the total number of chemically different proteins, is thought to be 100,000-300,000 distinct proteins. Proteins are altered by oxidation in ageing and inflammatory disease, which upsets cell signalling pathways. The research will build on expertise within the group to apply advanced mass spectrometry methodology, nanotechnology and arrays to study how oxidation influences the function of cell signalling proteins and alters cell behaviour.

The research fellow will be part of a growing team supervised by Prof Any Pitt and Dr Corinne Spickett at Aston University, but will involve collaboration with other teams in the PROXO consortium at Imperial College London and Glasgow University. There will be extensive team-working and career development events, as well as research networking meetings. In addition, there will be access to many research links in the UK and Europe through the Aston supervisors' networking activities, offering a highly stimulating research environment.

We are seeking applications from highly motivated postdoctoral researchers with a PhD in biochemistry, chemistry or a related molecular science subject.  Practical expertise in protein biochemistry or technology is important, and hands on experience of either mass spectrometry or array technology would be highly desirable. Applicants should be able to demonstrate a multi-disciplinary interest and excellent team-working skills. Any informal enquiries should be addressed to a.r.pitt@aston.ac.uk or c.m.spickett@aston.ac.uk .

Aston University is committed to disability equality and is a Positive about Disabled People Symbol User.

Please visit our website http://www.aston.ac.uk/jobs for further information and to apply online.  If you do not have access to the internet, telephone 0121-359-0870 quoting reference number: R110295

Closing date: Friday 30th September 2011 Midnight BST


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