


Kidney Control of Homeostasis: Several open PhD-student & Postdoc positions : Switzerland


National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) “Kidney.CH”, Basel, Bern, Fribourg, Geneva, Lausanne and Zurich




August 05, 2010


September 05, 2010

Job Tag(s):

postdoc,medicine,kidney,physiology,physiology,molecular biology


The Swiss Research Initiative “Kidney Control of Homeostasis” seeks several PhD-students & Postdocs
The newly established National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) “Kidney Control of Homeostasis – Kidney.CH” (http://www.physiol.uzh.ch/static/Project_Profile_v1_0.pdf) offers several PhD-student and Postdoc positions within the participating groups. Kidney.CH is a nationwide research network supported by the Swiss government and the Swiss National Science Foundation.

The long-term objective of this research initiative is to advance knowledge and understanding of the renal homeostatic mechanisms controlling body composition (milieu intérieur) in health and disease. As a result, this advanced knowledge shall provide a rational basis for the potential development of novel preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease.

Kidney.CH brings together leading Swiss specialists in experimental and clinical nephrology and includes the collaboration of more than 20 research teams from all Swiss Universities teaching medicine including Zurich (F. Verrey, C. Wagner, J. Loffing, R. Wenger, J. Biber), Berne (F. Frey, U. Huynh-Do),Basel(A. Odermatt, K. Seuwen), Fribourg (J.-P. Montani), Lausanne (O. Staub, E. Hummler), and Geneva (E. Feraille). In addition, several national and international associated and collaborating partners will contribute to the success of the NCCR. The research activities will cover a broad range of experimental approaches using state-of-the-art technologies in molecular cloning, cell biology, mouse transgensis and phenotyping, large-scale proteome and transcriptome analysis, and advanced microscopical imaging techniques.

We offer excellent training conditions in a highly collaborative research environment within the Swiss research initiative. A national PhD and Postdoc program in integrative kidney physiology and pathophysiology (IKPP), open also for MD training, will be newly established.

DEADLINE: Initial screening of applications will begin August 20, 2010. Positions will be open until filled.

• Vivid interest in integrative physiology and homeostatic mechanisms.
• Relevant degree in Biology, Biochemistry, Medicine, or similar.
• Excellent communication skills in English

SALARY: Will be according to the guidelines of the Swiss National Science Foundation. Travel Grants might be available by fulfilling the internal guidelines.


APPLICATION: Please submit your personal dossier to jobs@nccr-kidney.ch in the format of a single PDF file including:
• Curriculum vitae
• Cover/motivation letter
• Names of 2-3 references

We look forward to receiving your application. For additional information, please send your request to: info@nccr-kidney.ch.

[作者:丁香招聘    编辑:]