


Post-doc position - anti-diabetic natural products : Tivon, Israel


Haifa University


Tivon, Israel


August 14, 2009


October 13, 2009

Jobs by tag(s)

diabetic,natural products ,Haifa University ,Israel


A post-doc position is available in the field of anti-diabetic natural products. Research will include isolation of anti-diabetic natural compounds from different plant species, testing those compounds in various bio-assays, and understanding their molecular mechanism. The project will be held under the "UNESCO/Israel Co-Sponsored Fellowships for Post Doctoral Studies" and funding is dependent upon successful application.


* Experience in organic chemistry/natural products and/or molecular biology/biochemistry.

* Willingness to work hard and learn new techniques

* Candidate must fit the UNESCO program eligibility criteria:

"Applicants must meet the following general criteria:
1. Be from a developing country listed in Annex II.
2. Candidates must have received within three years their PhD degree.
3. Only candidates with the necessary qualifications, who demonstrate outstanding intellectual promise and personal qualities, shall be considered under this programme.
4. Candidates must be able to integrate an on-going research programme being conducted at one of the universities/institutes listed (Annex III).
5. Candidates must be able to communicate in English and are required to provide the TOEFL scores (Test of English as a Foreign Language) obtained.
6. Applicants must be in good health, both physically and mentally."


If you fit the above criteria and interested please contact Dr. Yoram Gerchman ASAP


This science job is provided by EMBO: Life Sciences Mobility Portal (LSMP) science jobs database

[作者:丁香招聘    编辑:]