


Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Biosurface Engineering : Singapore


Nanyang Technological University (NTU),


Postdoctoral Research Fellow



Date Posted

July 20, 2009

Date Expires

November 18, 2009 


Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Biosurface Engineering
Division of Bioengineering
School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore

Applications are invited for the above post, funded by a grant from Singapore Government Research Development Fund and based in the School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.

Areas of interest: We are looking for a post-doctoral research fellow to carry out research in the synthesis/engineering biomaterials and nanomanterials. Specifically, we are seeking experts in
1) neurophysiological analysis of nanomateiral-functionalized electrodes including extracellular recording of neurons (in vivo/in vitro),
2) Synthesis of polymers i.e. Atomic Transfer Radical Polymerization and other hydrogel materials (polymer chemist)
3) electrochemical synthesis of conducting materials, synthesis of organic/inorganic nanomaterials.

The project will involve a combination of chemical, electrophysiological and biophysical techniques. Candidates should have a PhD in an area related to polymer chemistry, materials science, bioengineering and have had extensive experience of materials synthesis/engineering and characterization.

Salary will be within the range S$ 55,800-80,000 per annum, depending on qualifications and experience.

Interested applicants should apply as soon as possible. The search will remain open until all positions are filled. Applicants must submit a curriculum vitae, a short statement of research interests and the names of three references. All materials should be sent to: Professor Kim at dhkim@ntu.edu.sg. Electronic applications are encouraged.


[作者:丁香招聘    编辑:]