


University of Groningen (http://www.rug.nl)


Senior Postdoc Position in Microbial Systems Biology


Groningen 9700 AB The Netherlands

Date Posted

July 18th 2008

Date Expires

September 3th 2008


groningen, ab, the netherlands, senior postdoc position in microbialsystems biology, mathematics, bioinformatics, genetics and genomics,biological sciences, development, university of groningen, groningenthenetherlands, and microbial systems biology


Senior Postdoc position in Microbial Systems Biology Working hours 100%

Job description:
You will be responsible for developing and applying dynamiccomputational models of metabolism in microbes. In addition, you willmodel the diversity and dynamics of microbial communities at the levelof metagenome activity and population composition and dynamics. Themodels will be developed, validated and optimized in close collaborationwith a team of experimentalists and experts in statistics and bioinformatics.

extensive track-record in bioinformatics and metabolic modelling of micro-organisms
pro-active attitude and the ability to initiate and execute researchlines independently
- excellent communication and reporting skills.

University of Groningen
Founded in 1614. One of the best universities in Europe and the world. Awide variety of disciplines. Internationally oriented. Rooted in theNorth of the Netherlands. Socially active. Our researchers and lecturersare inspired academics. Ambitious students. We respect the differencesin talent, ambitions and performance of the 25.000 students and membersof staff.

The university provides a career advisory service for partners of newstaff who move to Groningen.

The university is an equal opportunities employer. Because women arestill underrepresented in a number of fields, they are particularlyencouraged to apply.

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Groningen Bioinformatics Centre is expanding its activities in SystemsGenetics, Systems Biology, Computational Biology and Biosoftwaredevelopment and is looking for a new enthusiastic team member.

Conditions of employment:
The University of Groningen offers a salary dependent on qualificationsand work experience up to a maximum of € 4284 (scale 11) or € 4868(scale 12) gross per month for a full-time position. The appointment isfor one year, with the perspective of prolongation for another twoyears. You will be member of a multidisciplinary project team of seniorscientists, postdocs and PhD students and you will have access tostate-of-the-art facilities and equipment.

Additional information:
For more information contact dr. R. Breitling, e-mail:<r.breitling@rug.nl > or prof.dr. R.C. Jansen, e-mail:<r.c.jansen@rug.nl >
University of Groningen: http://www.rug.nl
Groningen Bioinformatics Centre http://www.rug.nl/gbic

Letter in English, including a personal motivation (important!),curriculum vitae, and the names and addresses of three referees(including telephone number and e-mail address), to be sent to: vmp@rug.nl

Also send an electronic copy of your application to k.m.offens@rug.nland to r.breitling@rug.nl
The position will be open until a suitable candidate has been selected.


Please send your application before September 3rd, 2008 to:

University of Groningen
Personnel and Organization Office
P.O. Box 72
9700 AB Groningen
The Netherlands

When applying for this job always mention the vacancy number 208204 andrefer to the place where you found this vacancy.
[作者:jurgen    编辑:]