


National University of Singapore (http://www.med.nus.edu.sg/)


Postdoctoral position in immunology



Date Posted

May 8th 2008

Date Expires

October 1st 2008


postdoctoral fellow, postdoc, immunity, cancer, singapore, and nus


Postdoctoral Position in immunology

A postdoctoral position funded by NMRC (Singapore) is available for upto 3 years in a project to investigate recognition of tumor cells byimmune cells in close collaboration with the University of Berkeley(USA), St. Jude Hospital (USA), IMCB (Singapore), Immunos (Singapore)and the National University Hospital of Singapore. We recentlydemonstrated that chemotherapeutic agents render tumor cells moresensitive to natural killer cell-mediated lysis (Gasser et al., Nature,2005; Gasser et al. Semin Cancer Biol., 2006). We are looking for ahighly skilled and motivated postdoctoral research fellow to exploitthese new findings. The project will involve determining theimmunomodulatory effects of chemotherapeutics used in clinical protocols.

Qualified applicants should have a PhD degree and strong background inimmunology or oncology. Experience in mouse research is an advantage.The successful candidates are expected to integrate cross-disciplinaryand translational approaches at the interface between academic andclinical research. The candidate should have good interpersonal skillsand will be required to train and assist other members of the team. Youwill join a dynamic and well-equipped laboratory situated within theImmunology Programme, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, which housesstate-of-the-art equipment and facilities. Salary is fromS$60,000-70,000 per annum (approx. US$39,000-45,000).

For further information please visit:


Please send your application including cover letter, resume, publicationlist, and names of three references to:

Stephan Gasser, PhD
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
National University of Singapore
Department of Microbiology
28 Medical Drive, Center for Life Sciences
Singapore 117456
[作者:jurgen    编辑:]