


Unit of lymphocyte development, Ana Cumano/Rachel Golub


Post-doctoral position in Hematopoiesis, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France


Paris, france, 75015

Date Posted

April 7th 2008

Date Expires

October 31th 2008


hematopoiesis, immunology, institut pasteur, paris, france, hsc, andpost doctoral position


The aim of the project will be to study the interactions ofhematopoietic progenitors and the niches implicated in HSCnon-maintenance and myeloid differentiation in the fetal murine spleen.Fetal spleen stromal cell lines were derived in the laboratory as amodel system to test molecules before application to fresh stroma. Theanalysis will focus on TGFb superfamily members. In parallel, thecontribution of these molecules to human myelofibrosis myeloidmetaplasia will be analyzed.
Candidates that hold the equivalent of a PhD in Immunology, Biology, orLife Sciences are welcome to apply. Candidates should have a backgroundin immunology or hematopoiesis and previous experience with animal work,molecular and cellular biology are required. Experience in humanhematopoiesis and clinical studies will be considered as an advantage.

Starting date: as soon as possible, initial contract for 1 year, withthe possibility for extension.

Recent publications of the Unit related to the subject:
Mark FR Vondenhoff, Guillaume E Desanti, Tom Cupedo, Julien Y Bertrand,Ana Cumano, Georg Kraal, Reina Mebius, and Rachel Golub. “Separation ofsplenic red and white pulp occurs before birth in a LT independentmanner” .” J Leukoc Biol. 2008, in press.
Desanti GE, Cumano A, Golub R. “Identification of CD4int progenitors inmouse fetal spleen, a source of resident lymphoid cells.” J Leukoc Biol.2008, in press.
Cumano A, Godin I.” Ontogeny of the hematopoietic system.” Annu RevImmunol. 2007; 25:745-85. Review.
Desanti G.E., Bertrand J.Y., and Golub R. Fetal Spleen Development, theRide toward Multiple Functions. (2007) Functional Development andEmbryology 1(1), 78-90. Invited Review
Bertrand JY, Desanti GE, Lo-Man R, Leclerc C, Cumano A, Golub R. “Fetalspleen stroma drives macrophage commitment.” Development. 2006 133(18):3619-28.
Bertrand JY, Giroux S, Golub R, Klaine M, Jalil A, Boucontet L, Godin I,Cumano A. “Characterization of purified intraembryonic hematopoieticstem cells as a tool to define their site of origin.” PNAS USA. 2005 102(1):134-9.


Application and CV should be sent to Dr. R. Golub, rgolub@pasteur.fr
Unité du développement des Lymphocytes
Institut Pasteur, INSERM U668
25 Rue du Dr Roux 75724 Paris Cedex 15
Tel/fax: (33) 1 45 68 87 66/(33) 1 45 68 89 21
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