


Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center


Postdoctoral Fellow in Normal and Cancer Stem Cells


Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Date Posted

March 25th 2008

Date Expires

June 24th 2008


postdoctoral fellow, postdoc, cancer, stem cell, self renewal, mousemodeling, cincinnati, ohio, and usa


Postdoctoral positions are available to study transcriptional controlmechanisms of normal and leukemic stem cell growth and self renewal. Thelaboratory employs mouse gene targeting and transgenic models of humanleukemia and hematopoietic diseases such as Severe Congenital Neutropenia.
Immunity. 2008 Mar;28(3):370-80.
Nat Genet. 2003 Jul;34(3):308-12
For recent review see:Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2006 Aug;59(2):85-97

Current molecular, cellular, and embryological techniques are used toelucidate the signaling function and pathways regulated by the Growthfactor independent-1 (Gfi1) transcriptional repressor oncoprotein. Thepostdoctoral positions are funded through grants from the NationalCancer Institute (NCI).

Successful candidates are expected to be self-motivated and have astrong commitment to basic research. An MD or PhD inHematology/Oncology, Cancer Biology, Molecular or Developmental Biology,Cell Biology, Biochemistry, or a related field, is required. Experiencein studying cell signaling, mouse models, hematopioesis and/or stem cellregulation are particularly desirable.

To apply, send curriculum vitae, a brief description of researchaccomplishments and interests, and contact information for threereferences familiar with the applicant’s professional skills.


[作者:jurgen    编辑:]