


The Institute of Cancer Research (http://www.icr.ac.uk)


Post-doctoral Training Fellow


London SW7 3RP United Kingdom

Date Posted

March 18th 2008

Date Expires

April 4th 2008


the institute of cancer research, London, postdoc, structural biology,cancer, molecular biology, protein expression, protein purification, andcrystallography


The Institute of Cancer Research
(University of London)


Section of Structural Biology

Chelsea, London

The Institute of Cancer Research (a College of the University of London)is a world-class cancer research organization with HEFCE RAE ratings ofinternational excellence across all of its research programmes. Inpartnership with The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, we form thelargest comprehensive cancer centre in Europe, dedicated to researchthat extends from epidemiology, genetics and molecular biology, throughdrug discovery and development, to cancer diagnosis and patienttreatment. This makes us uniquely placed to work towards our vision thatpeople may live their lives free from the fear of cancer as a lifethreatening disease.

This Cancer Research UK funded position will investigate the structureand function of the Chfr protein (Checkpoint with Forkhead and RINGdomain), a ubiquitin E3 ligase and tumour suppressor involved in mitoticregulation. Chfr is crucial for a mitotic checkpoint that produces acell-cycle delay in response to microtubule poisons. The successfulapplicant will determine crystal structures of Chfr bound to its proteinpartners and investigate the structural and cellular mechanisms of Chfractivity and regulation. The project is a collaboration between DrRichard Bayliss (Structural Biology), Prof. Richard Marais (Cell andMolecular Biology) and Dr Spiros Linardopoulos (Breakthrough Breast Cancer).

Applicants must hold a PhD, or be close to completing their PhD studies,in biochemistry, molecular biology or structural biology. Experience inmolecular biology, protein expression and purification is essential.Experience in crystallographic structure determination using SAD/MAD/MIRtechniques would be considered an asset.

The position is offered on a fixed term contract of up to three years inthe first instance with a starting salary in the range £26,597 to£31,551 p.a. inclusive.


Informal enquires may be made to Dr Richard Bayliss (Tel: +44 (0)20 71535557 / Email: richard.bayliss@icr.ac.uk). Please DO NOT send yourapplication to Dr Bayliss; CVs must be submitted in line with theinstructions below.

For further particulars and details of how to apply, please visit ourwebsite at http://www.icr.ac.uk. Alternatively you may call our 24 hourrecruitment line on 020 7153 5475 quoting reference number C128.

Closing date: Friday 4th April 2008
[作者:jurgen    编辑:]