


University of Nottingham (http://www.nottingham.ac.uk)


Postdoctoral Research Fellow


Nottingham NG7 2RD United Kingdom

Date Posted

March 18th 2008

Date Expires

April 9th 2008


university of nottingham, biologist, life sciences, molecular biology,nutrition, protein synthesis, cell biology, genetics, and biochemistry


Postdoctoral Research Fellow

A postdoctoral scientist is required for a research project awarded bythe BBSRC to investigate the regulation of protein synthesis as amechanism of nutritional programming and in particular to determine therole of miRNAs in this process. This work will be carried out incollaboration with Professor K Siddle and Dr S Ozanne, (University of Cambridge).

Candidates must have a PhD in biochemistry, cell biology or genetics.Experience in cDNA micro array and tissue culture will be an advantage,however, training will be provided. The ability to work in amultidisciplinary team is essential.

Further information about the research group is available.

Salary will be £25,134 per annum. This post will be offered on afixed-term contract for a period of three years.

Informal enquiries may be addressed to Professor A Willis, Email:Anne.Willis@Nottingham.ac.uk or Dr M Bushell, Email: Martin.Bushell@Nottingham.ac.uk.


Candidates should send a detailed CV, together with the names andaddresses of two referees, to Ms J Doughty, Centre for BiomolecularSciences, School of Pharmacy, The University of Nottingham, UniversityPark, Nottingham, NG7 2RD. Email: Janeh.Doughty@Nottingham.ac.uk. Pleasequote ref. SCI/365X1. Closing date: 9 April 2008.
[作者:jurgen    编辑:]