


University of Duisburg-Essen


Postdoc fellowship - mucosal immunology


Essen, Germany

Date Posted

March 15th 2008

Date Expires

June 14th 2008


postdoc fellowship, mucosal immunology, essen, and germany


Research postdoc fellowship is immediately available for a highlymotivated candidate with strong interests in mucosal immunology andmolecular cell biology at the Division of Gastroenterology &Hepatology (PD Dr. Elke Cario), University Hospital of Essen, Germany.

Research in this laboratory is focussed on functional characterizationof novel innate immune signaling pathways (mainly Toll-like receptors)and intestinal epithelial responses in acute and chronic inflammation ofthe gastrointestinal mucosa (including inflammatory bowel diseases).
Publications relevant for this project include: Gastroenterology.2004;127:224-38; Gastroenterology 2007;132:1359; J Immunol.2006;176:4258-66; Gut. 2005;54:1182-93; Infect Immun. 2000;68:7010-7.

Individuals applying for this position must have a Ph.D. degree andshould be fluent in German and/or English (both verbal and written) anddisplay excellent interpersonal skills and ability to work with others.Solid practical experience and knowledge in basic immunology andmolecular cell biology is essential. Remuneration will be on a tax-free,monthly stipend basis according to the regulations of the University of Duisburg-Essen.


Interested candidates are invited to submit their application(preferably as one file – including cover letter, detailed curriculumvitae, 2-page statement of research experience and interests as well asname/address of at least three references) electronically to email: elke.cario@uni-due.de

Elke Cario, M.D.
Assistant Professor of Medicine
University Hospital of Essen
Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Institutsgruppe I
Virchowstr. 171
D-45147 Essen
Email: elke.cario@uni-due.de

Applicants will be reviewed until the position is filled.
[作者:jurgen    编辑:]