


UNC School of Pharmacy & Center for AIDS Research (http://www.pharmacy.unc.edu/)


Postdoctoral Fellow


Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Date Posted

March 5th 2008

Date Expires

April 14th 2008


postdoctoral fellow, chapel hill, north carolina, and usa


Do you want to be on the vanguard of analytical chemistry? Do you wantto make an impact in preventing HIV infection using small molecules?

One postdoctoral position is available in School of Pharmacy and theClinical Pharmacology and Analytical Chemistry Core of the UNC Centerfor AIDS Research for a highly motivated individual. The funded projectswill require development of highly selective and specific LC/MS/MSmethods, validated according to FDA specifications, and applied toanimal and human samples collected by national and internationalinvestigators focused in the area of HIV prevention. These assays willtest the limits of analytical chemistry and pharmacology, supporting thegeneration of extra- and intracellular pharmacology data as it relatesto effectively preventing HIV infection.

The Clinical Pharmacology and Analytical Chemistry Core of the UNC CFARhas been established for over 8 years, and consists of approximately 8individuals. This facility delivers essential support and expertise toHIV/AIDS researchers in the area of pharmacokinetics andpharmacodynamics. The Core develops innovative solutions topharmacologic and analytical methodological challenges faced by theseinvestigators, stimulates innovation and synergism by bringing to theseinvestigators expanded arrays of pharmacologic resources, activelypromotes expansion of the number of clinical pharmacologists, analyticalchemists and graduate students involved in HIV/AIDS-related research,and provides leadership, mentoring, and training opportunities for theUNC Center For AIDS Research.

Requirements: The applicants should have a Ph.D. with a strongbackground in bioanalytical chemistry. Those with strong chemistrybackgrounds and experience with LC/MS/MS method development inbiological matrices are encouraged to apply. You will be provided anopportunity to interact with our partners in industry, privatefoundations, and federal institutes and centers. Therefore, exceptionalwritten and oral communication skills are necessary. You must alsodemonstrate good organizational skills, as we are a CLIA-certifiedlaboratory and require exceptional attention to detail.
Start Date: Flexible


Application Instructions: Please email a copy of your CV, a briefstatement of research interests, and names and contact information forthree references to Dr. Naser Rezk, naser2@unc.edu

Deadline to Apply: April 14, 2008
[作者:jurgen    编辑:]