
瑞典 lund大学 干细胞 博士后


Lund University (http://www.med.lu.se)


Post Doctoral Position - Stems


Lund, Sweden

Date Posted

February 27th 2008

Date Expires

April 27, 2008


cell biology, neuroscience, genetics and genomics, biological sciences,and molecular biology


Open positions

Post doctoral positions open

The research at Neuronal Survival Unit, Lund University, Sweden isfocused on pathogenetic mechanisms and pharmacological treatment in celland animal models of Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases. We alsostudy cell replacement therapy with stem cells in attempts to repairbrains in animal models of Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases. Thegroup’s mission is to understand neurodegenerative diseases and developnew therapies that are of benefit to patients and their caregivers. Formore information please visit http://www.med.lu.se/expmed/nesu.

2. Stems

This postdoc position is a part of an international collaboration called“STEMS-Preclinical evaluation of Stem Cell Therapy in Stroke” financedby the EU. The project will focus on characterization of human adultstem cells and human embryonic stem cells for the purpose oftransplantation in stroke. The applicant should have a relevantbackground in neuroscience or stem cell research, preferably withemphasis on methods such cell culture, immunocytochemistry, Westernblotting and PCR. The start date should be as soon as possible. Theduration is 2 years.


A PhD degree in neuroscience or closely related subject. All applicantsshould also be fluent in spoken and written English. Three references required.


If you are interested in any of these positions email your application,CV and the name and email addresses to three persons that can functionas references for you to Birgitta.Larsson@med.lu.se Clearly mark yourapplication with the number and name of the position you are interestedin. Please note that only complete applications will be considered!
[作者:jurgen    编辑:]