


Columbia University


Postdoctoral Research Scientist


New York, NY 10032 United States

Date Posted

January 30th, 2008

Date Expires

March 26th, 2008


A position for a postdoctoral research scientist is available in theCenter for Infection and Immunity and the WHO Collaborating Centre forDiagnostics in Zoonotic and Emerging Infectious Diseases at ColumbiaUniversity, Mailman School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology.Our center pioneers and implements novel approaches for detectinginfectious agents, particularly in syndromes with an unknown etiology.The successful applicant will provide bioinformatics leadership forongoing research in pathogen detection and discovery using multiplex PCRassays, high-density microarrays and high-throughput pyrosequencingtechnology. You will participate in international projects withresponsibilities in experimental design, data analysis and hypothesistesting. Applicants must have a working knowledge of Perl/BioPerl,familiarity with MySQL and experience working in a Linux environment.This position is strongly interdisciplinary and requires a PhD in abiological science and demonstrated experience in bioinformatics.Excellent communication skills are a must as you will be required towrite well documented programs, contribute to publications and researchgrants, and communicate clearly with other researchers.

Columbia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer

Required Qualifications:
Requires a Ph.D degree in a field of biological science. Excellentworking knowledge of Perl/BioPerl and MySQL, with demonstratedexperience in problem solving and programming for bioinformaticsprojects. Excellent organizational and communication skills are a must.

Preferred Qualifications:
Experience with sequence assembly and analysis, molecular phylogeny,primer and array design, and single-color microarray analysis areconsidered especially favorable. Experience with parallel computing(Rocks/Gridengine) and additional programming languages (Java or C++) isalso a plus.

Salary – commensurate with experience


Send CV to epijobs@columbia.edu. Please do not telephone
[作者:jurgen    编辑:]