


University of Kentucky (http://www.mc.uky.edu/)


Postdoctoral Fellow


Lexington, Kentucky

Date Posted

January 30, 2008

Date Expires

July 31, 2008


Position for a Postdoctoral Fellow available to study the genetics andmolecular mechanisms of dopamine neuron death and to test AAV-based genetherapies in animal models of Parkinson’s disease. The work will be atthe interface of basic and translational research and involve thegeneration and characterization of cell and animal models with alteredexpression of genes associated with familial Parkinson’s disease withthe goal to reveal changes in cellular metabolism and signaling thatunderlie neuron death and to identify new targets for PD therapy. Thejob requires previous experience in molecular biology and somebiochemistry techniques as well as an interest to work with mice andrats. Experience with stereotaxic injections would be an advantage. Forfurther information and a list of selected publications please go towww.mc.uky.edu/neurobiology/research/bueler.htm.


Candidates should e-mail their application, including CV, publicationlist and the names and contact details of at least two references withwhom they worked to hansruedi.bueler@uky.edu.
[作者:jurgen    编辑:]