


Max Planck Institute for Medical Research (http://mpimf-heidelberg.mpg.de)


Postdoctoral Fellow


Heidelberg, Germany

Date Posted

January 28th 2008

Date Expires

May 28th 2008


Postdoctoral position

Max Planck Institute, Heidelberg, Germany

Postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Soojin Ryuat the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research in Heidelberg, Germanyto join our work on investigating development and function of neuralcircuits within the hypothalamus using the zebrafish as a model system(http://circuits.mpimf-heidelberg.mpg.de). The hypothalamus, a keyintegrative center in the brain, controls immense number of crucialfunctions such as sleep, reproduction, food intake, and stress response.However very little is known about the formation of the circuitry thatunderlies these behaviors. The zebrafish, a vertebrate genetic modelorganism, is ideally suited for neural circuit analysis due to itstransparency and tractability. We combine forward genetics screen,extensive confocal live imaging and biochemical methods. In particular,by monitoring and manipulating connectivity and neural activity intransgenic zebrafish expressing genetically encoded probes, we aim tostudy connectivity and functional properties of select hypothalamiccircuits. We are particularly interested in the circuitry underlyingstress response whose hyperactivation is implicated in depression.

Interested postdoc candidate must have a Ph.D. in biological sciences,deep interest in neuroscience and excellent background in neuroanatomy.Expertise in live imaging using confocal microscopy is stronglypreferred and solid molecular biology experience will be highlydesirable. Prior experience with zebrafish is not mandatory.

This will be a terrific opportunity for the candidate to build a careerin an area of great biomedical relevance in a highly stimulatinginterdisciplinary research environment with a state-of-artinfrastructure for imaging. Start date is somewhat flexible butpreferably around July 1, 2008.


To apply please send an email to Dr. Soojin Ryu atsoojin.ryu@mpimf-heidelberg.mpg.de with the subject line “application”followed by your name and include a single attachment (word or PDF file) containing:

1) 1-2 page cover letter summarizing scientific accomplishments,research and career goals, reasons for the interest in our project, andexpected date of availability
2) CV with a complete list of publications
3) Contact information for three references.
[作者:jurgen    编辑:]