


University of Heidelberg, Central Institute of Mental Health


PhD/MD doctoral stipends


Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany

Date Posted

Jan 8th 2008


The Graduate Program “Translational Neuroscience” related toCollaborative Research Grant 636 (Learning, Memory and Brain Plasticity:Implications for Psychopathology) funded by the DeutscheForschungsgemeinschaft invites applications for:

PhD doctoral stipends and MD doctoral stipends

The Graduate Program is jointly organized by the members of theUniversity of Heidelberg, the Central Institute of Mental Health, theMax-Planck-Institute for Medical Research and the German Cancer Research Center.

The graduate school will start its doctoral program in April 2008.Applicants must hold a master’s, diploma or equivalent degree inbiology, chemistry, engineering, physics, biochemistry, mathematics,psychology, or other related fields. Medical students can either startto work within the SFB towards the end of their MD program and aim at anextended version of the conventional MD or enter into an MD/PhD program.

Funding period for MD students is 12 months. For PhD students an initialfunding of 12 months of the 36-month program is provided. Additionalfunding for two more years must be sought. It is also possible to jointhe program for one year at a later stage in exchange from another PhD program.

The Graduate Program “Translational Neuroscience” aims at theintegration of molecular and cellular approaches, behavioral analysesand clinical applications in the study of mental disorders such asanxiety, depression or addiction. In an interdisciplinary approach wefocus on alterations of learning, memory, emotional and motivationalprocessing and accompanying plastic changes of the brain.
More information on the program and the application procedure isavailable on our homepage (www. ma.uni-heidelberg.de/ag/sfb636/).Applications must be submitted by February 15, 2008.


For further information please contact: Prof. Dr. Herta Flor,Spokesperson (SFB636-School@zi-mannheim.de or visit our homepage: www. ma.uni-heidelberg.de/ag/sfb636/)
[作者:jurgen    编辑:]