

http://www.pinjiao.com/bsh/guowaiboshihou/2012-09-06/postdoctor140028.html 海外博士后



Job Description

Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC)
Applications due November 1, 2012
Please visit www.sesync.org/programs/postdocs for further details

SESYNC (să-sink) is dedicated to fostering synthesis that brings together diverse forms of knowledge from the natural and social sciences to generate insights into the behavior and management of interlinked systems of people and nature.

The National Socio-environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC), located in Annapolis, Maryland, invites applications for 2 year postdoctoral fellowships that begin February 2013. Fellows will undertake independent social, environmental, or cyber-infrastructure synthesis projects that are consistent with the mission of SESYNC. In addition to leading independent synthesis research, SESYNC fellows spend much of their time (~30%) on collaborative center activities, which could include such efforts as working with a Pursuit team, working on a cross-Pursuit or cross-Theme synthesis project, organizing a workshop, developing an education, policy, or outreach activity, or exploring visualization and other cyber tools.
SESYNC postdoctoral fellows will be based in our facilities in Annapolis, Maryland, with the possibility of spending some time at our partner organization, Resources for the Future, located in Washington, DC. SESYNC offers substantial computational support for fellows, as well as a dynamic, collaborative learning environment. Postdocs will receive an annual stipend, full University of Maryland employee benefits, and a small annual travel allowance for meetings. Fellows will have two mentors-� a professional mentor on-site at SESYNC and a domain mentor. The domain mentor should be at a SESYNC partner institution or be an established scholar elsewhere who will travel to SESYNC at least twice a year to work with the fellow.
We seek a diverse group of postdoctoral fellows with PhDs in social and natural sciences. Areas of previous research should be relevant to socio-environmental synthesis or synthesis education, including anthropology, computer science, ecology, education, economics, geography, history, mathematics, political science, psychology, public policy, planning, sociology, statistics, etc.

The deadline for applications for fellowships is November 1, 2012 for fellowships beginning in February 2013. The next round of competition will be in the spring for fellowships beginning in late August, 2013.
Applications will require a research proposal, description of interests and ideas for collaborative center activities, description of cyber-infrastructure needs, CV, and three letters of reference (submitted separately). Potential international Postdoctoral Fellows should contact us before applying. Please visit www.sesync.org/programs/postdocs for submission instructions. For questions, please contact Dr. David Hawthorne at dhawthorne@sesync.org .
The University of Maryland is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Minorities and Women Are Encouraged to Apply
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