


University of Miami Medical School (http://massgeneral.org/chemic...)


Post-doctoral Fellowships


Miami, Florida

Date Posted

Dec 19th 2007


Multiple Post-doc positions

Post-doctoral Fellows are sought to join the Gupta Laboratory(http://massgeneral.org/chemicalbiology), soon relocating to theUniversity of Miami, Miami, Florida. Approximate start date is Early 2008.

Project 1: The main focus area for this position is to further implementa cell-based High-Throughput screen using small molecule compounds aswell as shRNA vectors for the identification of modulators of integrinfunction.

Furthermore, the project requires application of the identified hits inthe mouse model of various inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoidarthritis. Candidates must have M.D. or Ph.D in Life sciences and have abackground in cell biology, molecular biology and/or immunology. Priorexperience required with some of the following techniques:high-throughput screening, mammalian cell culture, vertebrate biology,working with mice, cell transfection assays, flow cytometry (FACS),molecular biology (PCR, cloning, plasmid purification, RT-PCR), andimmunoprecipitation assays. Expertise with confocal imaging techniqueswill be a big plus.

Project 2: The main focus area for this position is to further develop aproteomics-based methodology for identification of signaling pathwaysand networks that relate to integrin activation and function.

Candidates must have M.D. or Ph.D in Life sciences and have a backgroundin cell biology, molecular biology and/or immunology. Prior experiencerequired with some of the following techniques: high-throughputscreening, mammalian cell culture, cell transfection assays, flowcytometry (FACS), molecular biology (PCR, cloning, plasmid purification,RT-PCR), immunoprecipitation/Western blots and extraction of DNA, RNAand protein from patient tissue samples. Expertise with confocal imagingtechniques will be a big plus. Candidates must be enthusiastic,self-motivated, efficient and interact well with others as part of a team.

Multiple Research Assistant Positions are also available.


Please send your resume with names of three references to: Vineet Gupta,Ph.D. at vineet_gupta@hms.harvard.edu
[作者:jurgen    编辑:]