


University of Helsinki (http://www.biomed.helsinki.fi...)


Post-doctoral position


Helsinki, Finland

Date Posted

Nov 13th 2007


A post-doct position for up to 4 years, starting January 1st 2008(negoatiable), is available in the group of Pentti Somerharju at theInstitute of Biomedicine, Department of Biochemistry, University ofHelsinki in Biomedicum Helsinki (www.biomedicum.fi/default.asp?intSiteID=2).

The main task will be the identification and functional characterizationof phospholipases and acyltransferases responsible for phospholipidacyl-chain remodeling (exchange) and phospholipid homeostasis ingeneral.

The project involves knock-down and over-expression of these enzymes incultured cells followed by functional tests. A strong background inmolecular biology is required and experience in knock-down methods is anadvantage. The salary is 2700-3000 €/month depending on the experience.


Please e-mail or mail the application containing a curriculum vitae,list of publications and the names of 2-4 persons from whom a referencemay be obtained to:
Pentti Somerharju, Institute of Biomedicine, Department of Biochemistry,Biomedicum, Room C205b, Haartmaninkatu 8, PL 63, 00014 University ofHelsinki, Finland.
E-mail: pentti.somerharju@helsinki.fi; Tel. 09-19125410 or 045-6380200.
[作者:jurgen    编辑:]