



UNC Chapel Hill School of Medicine


Post Doctoral Research Associate


Chapel Hill, US North Carolina 

Date Posted 

Nov 7th 2007

A Postdoctoral position is available in a Genetics/Development laboratory at the UNC Neuroscience Center. The lab utilizes Drosophila genetics as their primary gene discovery platform. Occasionally, using mouse models when appropriate for biochemical or knockout studies. Projects will focus on AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a putative cellular energy sensor related by sequence to PAR/MARKs serine-threonine kinases. The ideal candidate will be interested in identifying novel upstream and downstream members of AMPK signaling and structure/function relationships. AMPK is a proposed target for type 2 diabetes.
Chapel Hill ranked 10th nationwide in federal funding for fellowships, traineeships, and training grants, providing clear evidence of the overall strength of its numerous graduate and postdoctoral programs. Chapel Hill is a safe and affordable town with a high quality of life and numerous nearby amenities.

Both MD and PhD recipients are encouraged to apply.


Applicants must either be U.S citizens or hold a Permanent Resident Green Card. Interested individuals should submit electronically a CV and names & contacts for 3 references to Dr. Jay Brenman, Assistant Professor UNC Neuroscience Center. brenman@med.unc.edu.


[作者:jurgen    编辑:]