
爱荷华州Iowa Carver大学医学院药理研究博士后岗位


University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine


Postdoctoral Fellow


Iowa City, US Iowa

Date Posted

Oct 31th 2007


University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine An NIH-funded postdoctoralposition is available immediately in the laboratory of Dr. Rory Fisherin the Department of Pharmacology. The laboratory studies the molecularbiology and signaling actions of RGS proteins in mammalian cells and invivo. RGS proteins were discovered as negative regulators ofheterotrimeric G proteins.

Projects are aimed at defining G-protein-dependent and -independentmechanisms by which particular RGS proteins function as signaltransducing proteins, mechanisms underlying control of RGS geneexpression and roles of RGS proteins in disease states including cancerand acute pancreatitis. These studies will employ modern molecular andcell biological approaches including cloning of cDNAs and gene segments,site directed mutagenesis, transfection of mammalian cells, recombinantprotein expression, confocal microscopy, gene expression analysis,protein interaction analysis, temporal and spatial analysis of signaltransduction pathways, and functional genomics.

A Ph.D. in a biomedical science and practical experience and knowledgeof molecular and integrative signal transduction is desired. Candidateswith expertise in two or more of these approaches will be givenpreference.

The laboratory is well equipped for these studies, and support andmotivation will be provided for future career advancement. This projectwill take advantage of excellent core facilities at the University ofIowa (Imaging, Vector and Gene Targeting cores) for rapid advancement ofresearch projects.

Iowa City is a mid-sized college town with high living standards and aninexpensive cost of living relative to larger cities.

Survey Ranks UI As Top University For Postdoctoral Students


To apply, please send curriculum vitae, statement of previous researchexperience and current research interests, and the names and contactinformation for three references to:

Dr. Rory Fisher, Professor
Fax: 319-335-8930
Email: rory-fisher@uiowa.edu

The University of Iowa is an Affirmative Action/Equal EmploymentOpportunity Employer. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.
[作者:jurgen    编辑:]