


Weill Medical College of Cornell Univ. (http://www.med.cornell.edu/)


Post Doctoral Fellow


NYC (Manhattan)

Date Posted

Oct 25th 2007


Research position in Dept. of Pharmacology, Weill Medical College ofCornell University in NYC. NIH-funded research on transcriptional andposttranscriptional effects of Ah receptor activation and CYP1Ainduction by the environmental toxin TCDD and other AhR ligands, withparticular reference to dysregulation of cell signaling pathwaysaffecting glucose and lipid metabolism and energy production.

Studies to be conducted in primary cultures of chick embryo hepatocytesand cardiac myocytes, mammalian cell lines and organs of chick embryostreated in ovo. Candidate should evidence interests related to theresearch described and technical expertise in one or more of thefollowing: siRNA, real time-PCR, gene transfections, mitochondrialfunction assays, immunohistochemistry, cell culture, signaltransduction, P450 arachidonic acid metabolism, HPLC, LC/MS, flowcytometry. Publications in English requested.


Interested candidates should send covering letter detailing careergoals, research interests and technical expertise and cv with names of 3references and their contact information. Please includecitizenship/visa status. Email to Dr. Arleen Rifkind (arifkind @med.cornell.edu).
[作者:jurgen    编辑:]