


The Ohio State University (http://www.cancergenetics.med...)


Postdoctoral Program in Cancer Biology and Genetics


Columbus, OH 43210 United States

Date Posted

October 17


”Up on the Roof” Postdoctoral Program in Cancer Biology and Genetics

The Ohio State University

High caliber individuals with a strong record are invited to apply forpostdoctoral positions to study various molecular and genetic aspects ofcancer. The Program is highly interactive and multidisciplinary, andfields of research range from the identification of novel oncogenes andtumor suppressor genes, to the control of proliferation, cell cycle andapoptosis, transcription regulation, signal transduction pathways,immunology, mouse tumor models, bioinformatics, and computationalbiology of cancer models. For a more detailed description of theresearch interests of participating faculty members please see our webpage at http://www.cancergenetics.med.ohio-state.edu

Michael Caligiuri, MD – Molecular biology of acute leukemia and NK cellbiology. William Carson, MD – Immunotherapy of cancer. Albert de laChapelle, MD, PhD – Genes predisposing to cancer and expressionprofiling in cancers. Carlo Croce, MD, – Identification andcharacterization of genes involved in pathogenesis of cancer. JoannaGroden, PhD – Mouse models of gastrointestinal cancer; biology &biochemistry of DNA repair. Denis Guttridge, PhD – NF-kappa B signalingin cell growth and differentiation. Tim Huang, PhD – Epigeneticprofiling of gene silencing in cancer. Lawrence Kirschner, MD, PhD –Mouse models of endocrine tumorigenesis; PKA Signaling. Gustavo Leone,PhD – Cell cycle, apoptosis and differentiation in development &cancer. Michael Ostrowski, PhD – Genetic analysis of Ets family membersin development & cancer. Deborah Parris, PhD – HSV: mechanisms ofRNAi silencing suppression and DNA replication. Jeffrey Parvin, MD, PhD– Biochemistry and molecular biology of breast cancer Kamal Pohar, MD –Genetics and animal modeling of bladder cancer. Matt Ringel, MD –Signaling in thyroid cancer invasion and metastasis. Amanda Toland, PhD– Genetics of cancer susceptibility.

The OSU Comprehensive Cancer Center is a state-of -the-art molecular andclinical research institute with impressive Genomics, Proteomics andTransgenic Core Facilities. Interested applicants should send curriculumvitae, statement of research interests, and the names and addresses ofthree references to Liz Stranges, Human Cancer Genetics Program, 460West 12th Ave, Room 809B, Columbus, OH 43210; or by e-mail toliz.stranges@osumc.edu Application deadline is December 15, 2007.


The Ohio State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative actionemployer. Qualified women, minorities, Vietnam era veterans, andindividuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
[作者:jurgen    编辑:]