



University of Denver Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Denver, CO  



Date Posted

Sep 4th 2007  

As a part of the Integrated Molecular Life Sciences and Biophysics (IMLSB) Initiative in the Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry invites applications for two tenure-track positions to commence September 1, 2008, in the broadly defined areas of biochemistry and molecular biophysics and organic/bioorganic chemistry. The successful candidates must have a Ph.D. and postdoctoral experience in appropriate fields, will develop an extramurally funded research program, will supervise graduate and undergraduate research, and will teach undergraduate and graduate courses. We intend to fill one position with OPEN RANK and the second position at the ASSISTANT PROFESSOR level. For a detailed description of the IMSLB, please refer to website: http://www.biochem.du.edu/IMLSB/


All candidates must apply online at website: http://www.dujobs.org. Please attach the following documents: curriculum vitae, description of teaching and research experience, and statements of teaching philosophy and research interests. By mail, please submit two recent publications. Also have three letters of recommendation sent to the following address: University of Denver, Chemistry and Biochemistry Faculty Search, Attn: Laurel Shurtleff, 2190 E. Iliff Avenue, Olin Hall 202, Denver, CO 80208 Review of applications will begin on October 15, 2007, and will continue until the positions are filled. 

[作者:jurgen    编辑:]