



National Funds for Research, University of Liege


Postdoctoral Fellowship in Molecular and Cellular Biology 


Sart--Tilman, Liège, Belgium 

Date Posted

Sep 1st 2007


A 3 years post-doctoral position is available starting on January 1st 2008 in the Unit of Medical Chemistry (Dr. Alain Chariot) (Interdisciplinary Cluster for Applied Genoproteomics, GIGA-R, University of Liege, Belgium).
We are seeking a talented and highly motivated post-doctoral candidate in order to explore the molecular mechanisms underlying the deregulated NF-kB activity seen in haematological and solid tumours, with a special emphasis on the NF-kB inhibitory molecules (see Viatour et al., Molecular Cell, 16 (2004), 35-45). Another project is dedicated to the elucidation of the functional links between cell migration and transcriptional elongation through the characterization of the Elongator-dependent pathways (see Close et al., Molecular Cell, 22 (2006), 521-531). A third and recently developed project is dedicated to the molecular characterization of the signalling cascades required in innate immunity, with a special emphasis on the TBK1/IKKe-dependent pathways. Previous experience in these fields is preferred but not mandatory.
Our laboratory is part of a recently inaugurated Institute (Interdisciplinary Cluster for Applied Genoproteomics, GIGA-R (http://www.giga.ulg.ac.be/)) located on the Sart-Tilman campus, near Liege (www.ulg.ac.be).



[作者:yang    编辑:]