

http://www.pinjiao.com/bsh/guowaiboshihou/2012-03-16/postdoctor107595.html 海外博士后

3-Year postdoctoral researcher position : Innsbruck, Austria

Science jobs from Institute of Ecology, University of Innsbruck, Austria: job description

The Institute of Ecology, University of Innsbruck, Austria, invites applications for a full time (3 years) postdoctoral researcher position in Aquatic Microbial Ecology. For more information on the hosting research group, see weblink.

Research will focus on assessing the consequences of glacier retreat for the structure and function of the microbial food web in alpine lakes. Major field activities will involve the sampling of lakes (in most cases by helicopter) located in a deglaciation chronosequence at ca. 2400 m a.s.l. Specific project objectives will include assessing changes in prokaryotic community composition, diversity, and production in those lakes. This position provides an extraordinary opportunity for networking with several collaborating partners in Austria, as well as in Germany and USA .

The successful candidate should have relevant knowledge in aquatic microbial (prokaryotes, protists) ecology (knowledge on next generation sequencing and bioinformatics, as well as solid experience with statistics would be an asset). S/he should be fluent in English, motivated, well-organized, and collaborative. S/he will work in narrow collaboration with a PhD student dedicated to this project and will also have the opportunity to develop her/his own contributions to the project.

An earned Ph.D. degree is required for the postdoctoral appointment. Applications must include:
• a brief letter of application stating the motivation for this position
• a curriculum vitae (with photo) including a list of publications and presentations at congresses
• names and contact information for two to three academic references.

The postdoctoral position is funded by an extramural research grant from the Austrian Science Fund and the gross salary per month is 3.381,80

说明 :应聘时请注明本信息来源[聘教网]www.pinjiao.com ,便于招聘单位确认。

[作者:奥地利因斯布鲁克大学生态研究所水产微生物博士后职位    编辑:]