

http://www.pinjiao.com/bsh/guowaiboshihou/2012-02-07/postdoctor101817.html 海外博士后

Postdoctoral Researcher : Galway, Ireland
Employer: NUI Galway
Location: Galway, Ireland
Type: Postdoctoral
Posted: February 02, 2012
Expires: February 17, 2012
Requisition number: NUIG 19-12

job description

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for a 3 year fixed-term contract position as a Postdoctoral Researcher in Economics, in the Socio-Economic Marine Research Unit (SEMRU) at the National University of Ireland, Galway. This position is funded by a European Commission Seventh Framework Programme Research Award and involves an analysis of the socio-economic effects on fishers of the main management principles of the future Common Fishery Policy (CFP), and their response to that. The research will be particularly focused on impact the new policy framework and opportunities might have for the fishing sector to develop self- and co-management.

Job Description:
The researcher will be employed to undertake work in the area of fisheries management and economics. The researcher will initially be involved in the development of a coherent and consistent set of objectives for fisheries management, which will address ecological; economic and social sustainability targets. The objectives will need to be consistent with the aims of the CFP, MSFD and other EU directives, but they should also be understandable by the wider stakeholder community and engage their support. The researcher will also familiarise himself/herself with the case study fisheries and ecosystems in the project and the key pressures and drivers involved. The successful candidate will also be involved with the assessment of the likely ecological, social and economic impacts of the different management measures proposed. Additionally, he or she will also focus on the external influences and uncertainties in the economic performance of the fishing sector, which is likely to be critical for industry support and compliance. The work will involve direct contact with a number of stakeholder groups, in particular in the context of the herring fishery in the Celtic Sea. The post holder will be expected to present their work in oral format, at international project meetings and symposia as well as in stakeholder fora. They will also be expected to collaborate on the production of written reports and of publications in the peer reviewed scientific literature.

Applicant’s Specifications:
Candidates must hold a PhD in a relevant research area (e.g. Fisheries/Environmental Economics, Marine Science) and should have a minimum of 2 years relevant research experience. The candidate should also have a good understanding of both Irish and European fisheries management issues and the fundamental requirements set out in EU Common Fisheries Policy. Good oral and written communication skills in a variety of contexts are also important. Experience of statistical analysis of socio-economic data and of obtaining and analysing individuals views would be desirable.

For informal enquiries about this post please contact Dr. Stephen Hynes at stephen.hynes@nuigalway.ie or Dr. David Reid at dreid@marine.ie .


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[作者:爱尔兰国立高威大学经济学方向博士后职位    编辑:]