
波士顿儿童医院哈佛医学院招聘博士后School for Studying The Effects of ER Stress On Glucose Intolerance and Type 2 Diabetes

http://www.pinjiao.com/bsh/guowaiboshihou/2011-12-12/postdoctor96429.html 海外博士后

Children's Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School
Job Title:  Postdoctoral Position in Harvard Medical School for Studying The Effects of ER Stress On Glucose Intolerance and Type 2 Diabetes 

Date Posted:  12/09/2011 
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled 

Job Description

A postdoctoral fellow position is available in the Ozcan Laboratory in Children’s Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School. Position is offered to study the link between endoplasmic reticulum stress, unfolded protein response (UPR) signaling and metabolic homeostasis in obesity. In detail, the position is offered to study the molecular mechanisms of UPR signaling and its relation to insulin receptor signaling in obesity in the liver. The projects that will be studied will focus on the molecular mechanisms of ER stress and UPR signaling that is leading to development of glucose intolerance, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes in obesity.

The ideal candidates should have a Ph.D., M.D. or M.D./Ph.D. degrees with strong background in molecular biology and genetics evident by peer-reviewed publications in reputable journals.

Interested candidates should forward their research interests, curriculum vitae along with the name and contact information of three referees to Dr. Umut Ozcan;
e-mail: umut.ozcan@childrens.harvard.edu .
Contact:  Umut Ozcan
Children's Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School
3 Blackfan Circle, CLSB Building,
16th floor, Rm:024
Boston, MA 02115
United States
Phone: 617-919 4684
Email: umut.ozcan@childrens.harvard.edu  

说明 :应聘时请注明本信息来源[聘教网]www.pinjiao.com ,便于招聘单位确认。

[作者:波士顿儿童医院哈佛医学院招聘博士后School for Studying The Effects of ER Stress On Glucose Intolerance and Type 2 Diabetes    编辑:]