


Univeristy of Bath, Department of Department of Biology and Biochemistry (http://www.bath.ac.uk/)


postdoctoral position in ecology

Job Description:

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the broad fieldof evolutionary ecology and behavioural ecology to investigatecooperation and conflict in avian societies. The successful candidatewill use combination of approaches that may include, but not restrictedto, field research, lab-based experiments, molecular ecology, genetics,neuroendocrinology and mathematical modelling.

The postdoctoral researcher will be responsible for coordination ofEuropean Community projects on breeding systems and social behaviour ofbirds, and overseeing student projects related to these themes.

Candidates should have a PhD in a relevant field that may includeevolutionary biology, animal behaviour, molecular and/or quantitativegenetics, mathematical modelling and zoology. For further informationplease contact Tamas Szekely (T.Szekely@bath.ac.uk).
This is a fixed term appointment for up to two years.

Salary in the range £26,666 – £31,840 per annum.

Application forms and further details may be obtained from the HumanResources Department, University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath BA2 7AY,email jobs@bath.ac.uk quoting Ref No 07H166A Alternatively, please phone the 24 hranswer-phone service on (01225) 386924, textphone (01225) 386039.

In addition to the Application form and CV, please submit a ResearchProposal (approximately 500 words). Selection will be based uponresearch excellence and promise, and relevance to current researchthemes of Biodiversity Lab at the University of Bath.
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