

http://www.pinjiao.com/bsh/guowaiboshihou/2011-09-13/postdoctor85994.html 海外博士后

Level 1

Closing Date: 30th of September, 2011

Ref: 004753

Post Duration: 3 years

UCD Post Doctoral Research Fellow Level 1

A three-year postdoctoral position, funded by the Health Research Board, Ireland, is available in the area of prion diseases in University College Dublin. Prion diseases are generally associated with the accumulation in the brain of an abnormal partially protease resistant isoform (PrPSc ) of the normal endogenous prion protein (PrPC ). Links between prion diseases and Alzheimer's disease are emerging. This project will be examining an avenue to help in the control of the spread of disorders associated with the infectious prion. The project will involve a range of techniques, molecular, biochemical, cell culture techniques and bioassay. The successful applicant must have in-vitro and in-vivo experience and be skilled in molecular biology techniques and must possess a PhD. The project will be based in University College Dublin, Ireland and will run in collaboration with the University of Kentucky, USA and The Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh.

This is a research focused role, where you will conduct a specified programme of research supported by research training and development under the supervision and direction of a Principal Investigator.

The primary purpose of the role is to further develop your research skills and competences, including the processes of publication in peer-reviewed academic publications, the development of funding proposals, the mentorship of graduate students along with the opportunity to develop your skills in research led teaching.


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